Refund for goods and services

Manifest Mandalas has a seven-day 100% refund policy, no questions asked.

Refunds are based on the date of the final file supply to you, or our date of receipt of your balance of payment, whichever is the latest date.

In the event of digital file corruption during your download, we will endeavour, at our own cost, to send you the digital file via alternative means. We will require your cooperation to test downloads using alternative web browsers, and we may require an alternative email addresses or physical address to post the digital file on a storage device.

All production is outsourced by the purchaser. We accept no responsibility or liability for the production of items by the customer after they have received the digital file from us.


Copyright Infringements

Manifest Mandalas reserves the right to an immediate and full cancellation with a no refund policy of any purchase order where artwork copyright infringements are suspected. Offending purchasers will have their details given to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.

Copyright laws exist domestically and internationally and can carry heavy fines and/or incarceration.

© Copyright 2025 Manifest Mandalas